Explaining UX research to my mum just got easier

6 memorable design research projects from 2010When I designed and made things for a living it was easy to explain what I did. People formed a mental model of what I did and pigeon-holed me instantly.

… but when my design career was t-boned by research I became a hybrid. Finding the words to articulate my work became much more difficult.

I soon realised that describing whatever project I was working on was the best way to help people understand what I do.

This works well socially, but I figure that my ‘case studies’ list is the professional equivalent.

2010 delivered a fresh and diverse set of examples, so I’ve updated my UX consulting website with some memorable projects.
…should come in handy when I’m asked … “so, what do you do?”

My answer…  “from a mouse to a medical device, mortgages to meteorology, click here to check out 6 UX research case studies

Oh, and THANKS to y’all who read my blog, I don’t know who all of you are, but wish you a great 2011.

2 thoughts on “Explaining UX research to my mum just got easier

  1. Simon Johnson

    Ever when you explain what we do, people don’t get it really.

    It’s such an experiential thing, unless you have actually participated in the process I doubt you can really ‘get it’ in the fullest sense.

    I suppose it’s like anything in life, it’s one thing to read about it, but it’s quite another to have been there.

    The only success I have had is by conveying the rich individual stories of everyday people and relating how these insights steered the project in a new direction that wasn’t initially envisaged.

    I think your case studies do an excellent job of conveying how insights enabled change for the better. Cause and affect is a powerful argument for the UCD process I think we should all employ to help educate those that haven’t yet ‘see the light’ so to speak.

    Keep up the good work Nick in 2011. You are an example to us all.

  2. Nick Post author

    Thanks Simon.
    Like you say, it’s like going on the holiday versus getting the postcard.

    The saying “you had to be there”, comes to mind when clients and stakeholders become instant converts as they experience or view footage from research.

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