Getting a Grip. Prodesign Magazine showcases my approach to UX

Design Research and User Experience article in Prodesign

This month I’m featured in Prodesign mag.

The article harks back to my days designing surfboards and the moment I became ‘hooked on usability’ during a project for Sony Playstation.

Read the Prodesign article ‘Getting a grip’ here as a PDF.

It turns out this is the last issue of this magazine after 16 years.

What does that say about design in New Zealand?

…or does it say more about print publishing?

One thought on “Getting a Grip. Prodesign Magazine showcases my approach to UX

  1. Steve

    firstly, i would say looks like you got in just in time!

    but seriously, what a shame to lose such a great magazine. Although in saying that i last bought a copy about 8 months ago, having once regularly bought it, so people like me are part of the problem.

    Or is it also that people have moved away from advertising in magazines now, steering away from the carpet bombing approach…

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